Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Sensual World - Dutch Press Kit

The Dutch press kit for the Sensual World comes in a picture folder that's identical to the UK press kit. In fact, all versions of this press kit have the same identical picture folder. 

The folder measures 8¾" x 12¼" and has a glossy finish to the surface.

The inside contents of this folder are straight forward and fairly boring. Included is a 4 page press release featuring a biography, a discography and track-listing for the Sensual World. Unfortunately, the entire thing is in Dutch and I don't understand a word of Dutch. If anyone wants to waste their own time translating it - knock yourself out :)

Also included is one publicity photograph, which is clearly a standard UK issued one.

Interestingly enough, from the few other examples I've seen of the Dutch press kit over the years, any publicity photo(s) included tended to be randomly presented in two different configurations. Some had the standard UK issued versions inserted (anywhere from 1-3 photos), while others had regular photos inserted. These regular photos have a thin white border around all four sides, like a frame, but contain no discernible information or markings of any kind anywhere on them. No artist listing or catalogue number, no photography credit or music label logo. Nothing. It's pretty odd.

And that's pretty much it for this one. As I mentioned earlier on, this particular one is pretty boring. In fact, out of the three different versions of this press kit that I own, the Dutch one is easily the most uninteresting one of the lot.

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